Annual Year 8 camping trip returns after three years!
Trips Boarders

On Thursday 9 June, 34 Year 8 pupils set off for what would be the first full camping trip for 3 years! Having breakfasted together in the Mess Hall, and then packed the trailer to the gunwales with tents, sleeping bags, and roll-mats, it was time to set off.

Departing in small groups, the first part of the route would see them travel down the hill into Panbourne Village. Then they headed over the toll bridge and through Whitchurch, before turning a sharp left to walk along the banks of the river, through the woods towards Goring. Two and a half hours later the first group arrived at Goring where they had lunch, and were then shuttled in a minibus to Ashampstead Church to begin the second leg of the walk.

This would see them go cross-country through Ashampstead Common and on towards Rushall Manor Farm. Leading the groups were Andy Thornhill, Anna Pennington, Alex Brinkman-Young, Elly Hayward, Neil Jeffers, and Emma Green, with Andy Crossley and Ian Hart on logistics and vehicular support.

Whilst some groups took a straighter route than others, roughly by 6pm, all the groups had arrived safely at the Rushall Farm campsite! They were greeted by the Cartshed and the trailer, as well as the kettle already on the stove. A lesson in tent erection followed, and then began an epic cricket match, with Neil Jeffers taking on the might of the Ian Hart invitational 'XI'.

Meanwhile Andy Davison had arrived and was busy on the BBQ with Andy Thornhill and Andy Crossley, to produce an array of burgers, sausages, and chicken. After supper, everyone congregated around the campfire and began the process of collecting and sawing the firewood. Andy Davison was chief fire officer and soon a tremendous blaze was going.

Karaoke was the order of the evening, with each group presenting a carefully choreographed performance, resulting in a 3-way tie for first place! After the entertainment toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate were served before returning to the tents to (eventually) get some sleep.

Next morning pupils and staff awoke to the smell of bacon baps, and after eating and repacking the trailer headed off before 9am. The route back was through the fields along to Bradfield and then in past Bere Court Farm to the woods behind Hesperus. All back in time for vaccinations and an early night! Discover more #PangCollYear8 stories here.

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Annual Year 8 camping trip returns after three years!