Pangbourne Cadets Mark 75th Anniversary of the Modern Combined Cadet Force (CCF)

On Thursday 18 May our CCF cadets commemorated the 75th anniversary of the modern Combined Cadet Force (CCF) by congregating on the Parade Ground to forge a 75 formation.

The 1 April 2023 marked the 75th anniversary of the modern CCF. However, as early as 1859 uniformed youth movements appeared in schools as Army Cadet Companies, as part of the UK’s Defence Force. Thereafter they became the Junior Officer Training Corps, preparing young men for future Territorial Army Commissions. Over time, the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the Royal Navy (RN) introduced cadets into schools. 

In 1948 it was decided to combine all cadet organisations in schools into one combined cadet organisation and the modern CCF was born. At the time, 247 schools accepted the invitation to adopt the scheme with the new CCF having King George VI as Captain General. Since then, and for most of the duration of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s patronage, the CCF has largely remained the same size and shape.

The modern CCF as a 21st century Military of Defence (MOD) sponsored youth movement aims to instil loyalty and respect, self-confidence, teamwork, and resilience in young people. Cadet units can improve young people’s life chances and prepare them for the challenges and responsibilities of employment and adult life.

The College's CCF comprises of an Army, Navy and Royal Marines section, with pupils from Year 10 to Upper Sixth involved from both Pangbourne College and Denefield School. 

After the 75 formation photograph, cadets were involved in a series of activities that covered signals and fieldcraft using laser tag weapons, powerboat instruction on the Thames, how to pack and maintain kit and equipment, First Aid primary surveys, and CPR.

Discover more #PangCollCCF stories here.

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Pangbourne Cadets Mark 75th Anniversary of the Modern Combined Cadet Force (CCF)