War Poetry Project for Form 3 History generates beautiful new poem

Among the gravestones, beside the dead
By Form 3 pupil, Cherise

As part of a Form 3 History independent-learning war poetry project, pupils were asked recently to write their own poem based on their research. Mimicking the style of famous war poet, Seigfried Sassoon, Cherise wrote the following poem, ‘Among the gravestones, beside the dead’.


Among the gravestones, beside the dead
Surrounded by soldiers with bullets in their head
Empty promises are the lies we are fed
The only food I’ve had in weeks that isn’t soaked in red
They say the war is ending and that we are almost done
But the war is far from over and we have not yet won
Even though I fight for this land
Victory is far from my mind
So on this barren ground I stand
Surrounded by nothing but bloodshed

Among the gravestones, beside the dead
Soldiers on the floor, left to bled
Desolate soldiers with no life in their eyes
Trudging along the mud and under the dark skies
We all just want to go home and feel comfort again
Longing for a touch from a family or friend

Among the gravestones, beside the dead
I'm walking in a cemetery with nothing left
My friends are dead or are dying inside
With nothing to show for their dignity and pride
There’s not enough paper, for these words unsaid
So I am left to remain
Among the gravestones, beside the dead

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War Poetry Project for Form 3 History generates beautiful new poem