First Pangbourne Girl takes Parade

It was a great pleasure to have Old Pangbournian and current Governor, Mrs Charlotte Butterworth as our Guest of Honour at the recent College Sunday. Charlotte was one of the first two girls to join the College in the Sixth Form in 1990. She was formerly known as Charlotte Drake, after whom our girls' society is named.

The Head, Mr Thomas Garnier, commented, 'We were delighted to welcome Charlotte as our Guest of Honour. Having served 12 years in the Royal Navy and as a member of the College's Governing Body for 16 years, she was an ideal guest to take the salute.'

The day started at a very cold minus 5 degrees, but in spite of the conditions the Marching Band were in fine form. Conducted by our Bandmaster, Mr Andrew Thornhill, they performed ‘Highland Cathedral’ during the inspection. ‘Heart of Oak’ and  ‘This is My Country’ were performed during the March Past.

The parade was preceded by a whole school service in the Chapel, led by our Chaplain, Rev Neil Jeffers. The College Choir, conducted by Director of Music Mr Chris McDade, sang Mendelssohn’s ‘Verleih uns frieden’. The Reverend Rupert Shelley (a current parent) gave a thought-provoking sermon. After the parade, The Head and his wife, Alexandra, hosted a drinks and lunch reception in Devitt House for a number of our parents.

We were thrilled to see so many members of the #PangCollCommunity attending the first parade of the year, despite the cold Winter temperatures!

Our current Chief Cadet Captains of College pictured with (L - R) Mr Andy Crossley, Mrs Charlotte Butterworth, and Mr Thomas Garnier.

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First Pangbourne Girl takes Parade