This year’s Lower Sixth peer mentoring training has now begun! Peer mentoring is an integral part of the school’s pastoral care system and many Old Pangbournians can testify to its value in later life, including at university where it is highly prized on a UCAS application.
The Lower Sixth is divided into groups and given an opportunity in the Lent Term (and, this year, this is spilling over into the Summer Term, due to Lockdown 3), to take part in a six session course. Participation is voluntary, but the majority of students complete the course.
Mrs Caroline Bond, Deputy Head Pastoral, who runs the course said, ‘One of the hallmarks of the Pangbourne community is the way in which Sixth Form pupils look out for those in younger years. Peer mentoring training is one of the means of helping them do this effectively and sensitively.
‘It is part of the school’s overall strategy to equip our young people with the skills to lead in an emotionally intelligent way. Many of those who complete the course are also working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award and this is part of their volunteering section.’