A Sixth Form Scholars’ Barbecue Dinner was held in the marquee in the Walled Garden on Friday 7 May. In spite of the cool temperatures, everyone dressed up for the occasion and much enjoyed a special evening at College together, the first of this kind of event this academic year due to COVID-19 restrictions.
For the first time this year the Chief Cadet Captains of the College (Heads of School), Matthew and Elise, were given an opportunity to officiate at a dinner. Matthew said Grace and Elise gave the Loyal Toast to Her Majesty The Queen. The Headmaster thanked the scholars for the leadership they had provided this year in difficult circumstances in their specialist fields.
Senior scholars, Emily, Andrew, and Georgia spoke about each of their personal journeys to being nominated for their role. The three speeches were very different, which was appropriate for the different messages they were delivering. This served to highlight the different potential routes to success.
Mrs Samantha Greenwood, Deputy Head Academic, said, ‘It was wonderful to be able to have this occasion with at least some of our scholars this year (normally, we would have scholars from all year groups). Due to COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns, we only just managed to fit it in. But it was worth it. Everyone had a wonderful evening. Thank you so much to our caterers for the delicious food.’