Carnegie Book Awards Shadowing Group
Academic Activities

The Yoto Carnegie Medal is the UK’s longest running and best-loved children’s book award, recognising outstanding reading experiences created through writing in books for children and young people.  

A panel of children's librarians decide which of the eight shortlisted books should win the prestigious Carnegie Medal.  Alongside this judging process, young people, known as ‘shadowers’, are encouraged to ‘shadow’ the judges by getting together in small groups to read, discuss and review the books on the shortlist, engage in reading related activity which they can share online, and vote for their favourite to win the Shadowers’ Choice Awards

Since the first week in May, the 'shadowers' group have been meeting every other Thursday lunch time in the Library to discuss the eight shortlisted books of the Carnegie Book Awards. Led by Mrs Elly Hayward and Mrs Vanessa Saunders, the group has included pupils from Sixth Form to Year 8. 

The aim has been to discuss books generally and, in particular, the eight shortlisted books. It’s been a great opportunity to access some varied and challenging books, as well as to chat about what individuals really like or can’t stand about them. It has also been an opportunity to consider some of the issues covered. More information about the eight shortlisted books is available here.

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Carnegie Book Awards Shadowing Group