Final College Sunday rehearsal for Team Pangbourne
Community Events

'Team Pangbourne' performed their final rehearsal before the first whole school College Sunday (Year 9 to Upper Sixth) since March 2020. Having not done a whole school parade since then, Year 9 are going to be marching with their houses, as everyone learns and re-learns what these kind of productions are all about.

As a College, we are very proud of our ceremonial traditions. The parades give everyone in all the senior houses an opportunity, six times a year, to participate in a performance in front of a VIP (which sometimes includes Royalty), parents and families, before Founders' Day.

This Sunday will be the first time our new Heads of School (Chief Cadet Captains of College), Heads of Houses (Chief Cadet Captains of Divisions), and Drum Major (Head of the Marching Band) will be taking the lead. They include: Rory and Emily; Charlotte, George, Liam, Megan, Morgan, and Myles; and Ed.

The VIP this Sunday will be The Head and it will be the first College Sunday, too, for our new 'RSM', Mr Andrew Davison.

We look forward very much to seeing many parents and families in the audience!

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Final College Sunday rehearsal for Team Pangbourne