Inter-Watch Drama & Divisional Drama
Drama Competition

By Rebecca Atack, Head of Drama

To round off the year we had a thoroughly entertaining Inter-watch Drama and Divisional Drama competition.

Dunbar were tasked with recreating ‘Peter Pan’. A famous story with famous characters so Peter Pan and Wendy were accompanied by Captain Hook and of course, Jeremy?! I am pleased to say that the judges had a very difficult task deciding the winners, finally deciding on the following:

Best Supporting Actor - Sam 

Best Actor - Leo 

Overall Watch Drama Winner - Port 

Very many congratulations to all of you.

In the Senior divisions, competition was fierce. The Disney theme and films were chosen by our U6 Drama scholar and CC, so you have Joe and Annabelle to thank for the choices! Once again, you all did yourselves proud. The performances were not only creative and ingenious, but well told and well presented. 

Harbinger kicked us off with ‘Beauty and the Beast’ an imaginative re-working of Miss. Bland’s favourite Disney film! Full kudos to Lumiere’s simple yet massively effective costume! 


Illawarra’s ‘Aladdin’ was very well put together and the flying carpet scene was done simply and effectively and did not detract from the wonderful singing from Sophia and Darcy.

Port Jackson’s ‘Cinderella’ had amazing characters and great party scenes. I applaud Charlie, Ozzy, Murray, Shea and Oli for their costumes - I’ll leave it at that! I also loved the way that As-siddeeq, Nico and Oscar merged drama and rugby to create the dramatic lift in the Ball scene! 

Hesperus’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ was great - it had men in dresses, again! Mermaid tails, an evil octopus but for me, the ensemble with their chant of ‘Under the sea’ accompanied by the dance were the highlight! 

Macquarie’s ‘Snow White’ once again used narration very effectively and they modernised the story well. A thoroughly enjoyable piece.

And St. George’s ‘Hercules’, A difficult one to tell, but effectively and simply done, the costumes clearly showed the multi-rolling well so everyone could keep up with who was playing who, and the song from Annatalia and her wonderful backing group was again a highlight. I particularly liked the Dance Off Fight - hugely effective and wonderfully choreographed.

You all took ownership of your films and absolutely thought outside the box. The pieces were creative, simple, effective, funny and exciting - more than I could have wished for.

Well done to the Housemistresses and masters and the Assistant Housemistresses and masters and staff, who helped support the pupils. Also very well done to  the Lower Sixth pupils who ALL stepped up and helped make their divisions entry worthy of their division.

To the winners. It was a very difficult task as there were so many who could have won. 

The judges wanted to make special mention of Darcy, Jonty  and Tom for their hard work and performances, but the winners are:

Best Actor - Will  (Harbinger)

Best Supporting Actor - Charlie (Port Jackson)

Best Lighting - Tom  (Hesperus)

Best Sound - Rosie (Illawarra)

Overall Div. Drama Winner - Macquarie


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Inter-Watch Drama & Divisional Drama