About me
After leaving Pangbourne (1979-1986), I studied Microelectronic Systems and Physical Sciences at Oxford Brookes. I worked for 25 years in the TV Broadcast engineering sector designing and installing transmission systems worldwide. I retrained at Reading University as a Physics teacher in 2016, completing my PGCE at Reading School. Married, with four grown up children, I enjoy spending time relaxing with them and helping out whenever I can. I enjoy all sports and have played plenty of Cricket and Hockey in the past, during the holidays you will normally find me on the golf course!
Why do I love teaching?
Being an engineer I have always had to solve problems, this is easier if you know how and why. Physics explains most of what goes on around us and helps with understanding other science subjects. I really enjoy helping others understand too!
My other roles at Pangbourne are...
- Housemaster of Harbinger
- Hockey, Cricket and Football coach
- Computing and Maths teaching
If I hadn't been a teacher I would have been...
I never thought I would be a teacher, I wanted to fly helicopters in the Army Air Corps, but being colour blind I settled for a career in engineering.
My role model is…
My wife - she encouraged me to teach well before I even thought about it seriously. She also reminds me through her work that there are so many others around us in much less fortunate situations.
I would describe Pangbourne as...
Pangbourne is very focused on the wellbeing of the pupil and how they grow as individuals, hopefully equipping them well for later life. It is a close knit community built on unique traditions and caring for one another.