About me
With a degree in Theology and PGCE in Religious Education, I have taught in a number of different schools, including comprehensive, grammar and the independent sector. When I first went into teaching, little did I know how much I was going to enjoy helping young people flourish and meet their potential. There is never a bad day in teaching! Pangbourne gives staff an opportunity to look after the whole child and influence them to become well-developed, rounded individuals who can play a meaningful part in the world. I have always had a love of Africa and in recent years I have been actively involved in the Nabugabo Learning Centre in Uganda.
Why do I love teaching Religious Studies?
I am passionate about teaching Religious Studies because it helps pupils with their own personal development and supports an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural questions that inevitably occur throughout their lives. Moreover, in tackling complex questions it provides pupils with an invaluable insight that can help challenge stereotypes and promote diversity and collaboration.
My other roles at Pangbourne are:
I have enjoyed a number of other roles at Pangbourne and am very excited about my new position as Assistant Head (Pupil Wellbeing).
If I hadn't been a teacher I would have been...
A mental health nurse.
My role model is...
Michele Obama is currently a real inspiration to me in my day to day life.
I would describe Pangbourne as...
Pangbourne is a unique close-knit community which celebrates the individual and allows them to reach their potential and who they want to be.