About me
I studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge and then spent twelve years teaching Biology in London and overseas in Japan, Malaysia, Zambia, Switzerland, and Germany. After further work in Devon, I came to Pangbourne and have been here for over ten years. I have enjoyed a variety of roles in my career from Head of Sixth Form in Lusaka to AHOM of Port Jackson and have taught a range of subjects. I love swimming, skiing, and tennis, but above all walking by the river in London and Berkshire.
Why do I love teaching Biology?
I enjoy the range of practical opportunities that Biology offers - from making models to fieldwork in the College grounds. I like teaching about health and disease and keeping up with the latest ideas and developments. It has been great to see so many A Level Biology students go on to careers in science and health fields.
My other roles at Pangbourne are:
I help out with map and compass work in the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme and drive the minibus on walks.
If I hadn't been a teacher I would have been...
A Lawyer.
My role model is...
Professor Alice Roberts
I would describe Pangbourne as...
Pangbourne has beautiful grounds so we can take learning outdoors. It feels inclusive and offers an all round education with plenty of opportunities for those who want to take them up. My two children both attended the College and it gave them confidence and many good experiences which have set them up well for their lives now.