About Me
I am a proud Ulsterman by descent, though born and raised in Kent. After Ancient History at Oxford (with a choral scholarship) and a brief banking career with Barclays, I trained for Church of England ministry at Oak Hill College, North London, served a curacy (assistant vicar) in Suffolk and have been at Pangbourne since 2011. Married with three children, I love golf, Irish rugby, music (organ, piano and singing), politics, Tolkien and many other things.
Why do I love teaching RS?
Dispelling cultural myths about Christianity, helping students to see the person of Jesus, rather than the trappings of religion and good robust debate.
My other roles at Pangbourne are:
Master in charge of Golf
Occasional organist
If I hadn't been a teacher I would have been...
A vicar (obviously), or a politician
My role model is...
Other than Jesus, William Wilberforce
I would describe Pangbourne as...
A close-knit community, at ease with its unusual traditions; emphasising character development and virtue; more than just a school