Meet Old Pangbournian Emily Cox. Emily joined in Year 9 in 2017 and was a Chief Cadet Captain of College (Head Girl) from 2021 to 2022.
Describe your roles as Chief Cadet Captain of College (CCCC) and a Sport Scholar...
As a Chief Cadet Captain of College I was responsible for communicating with the Head and SMT, relaying that message to my peers in my year group, and my fellow Chiefs. I worked really closely with Rory, the other Chief Cadet Captain of College. If anything wasn't quite right within the year group, we were the people that they could come to. To me, the most important part of my role was to inspire the younger pupils to hopefully aspire to a position of leadership in the future.
As a Sport Scholar my role was to give 100% effort and commitment, and be an advocate for Pangbourne sport.
What life skills did these roles teach you?
They definitely taught me the skill of time management, because juggling my Chief role with my A Levels was definitely a challenge! But it also taught me that leadership isn't always about being the loudest person in the room, sometimes being the leader is just sitting in the corner and listening to your peers' opinions and gaining their respect.
How did the College help you to develop as an individual?
The College helped me to develop as an individual by teaching me that it's okay to be out of your comfort zone as that's when you learn the most. The second thing it taught me was the value of time - seize every opportunity that they put in front of you because five years really, really flies by.
What are your Pangbourne highlights?
My Pangbourne highlights have to be representing the 1st XI Hockey team since Year 10 and going on to captain in my final season. It was definitely a massive achievement. Being told I was going to be Chief was also a massive highlight. However, I think the one that really stood out was the 100% Colour Run. Organising it was tough, but it definitely paid off because everyone clapping each other down the finish line as they were covered in paint was just how I envisioned the community of Pangbourne.
What did you find most challenging during your time at Pangbourne?
I think the most challenging thing I found during my time at Pangbourne was, as I mentioned, juggling my Chief duties and my A Levels.
How did you overcome these challenges?
Pangbourne's really fortunate that they have a phenomenal pastoral team, especially through the support of Mr. Bancroft and Mrs. Bond. I was also very fortunate that I had Rory to share the load with, but I think the main thing that helped me overcome these challenges was my friends. I made friends for life at Pangbourne and they were a real backbone in my final year.
What makes Pangbourne unique?
I think what makes Pangbourne unique is the community, and the parades definitely consolidate this, there's just something that makes you feel a part of something. The integration between year groups, everyone's familiar, everyone's walking around with a smile on their face, welcoming, ready to help you if you need it and it just really, really is a special place.
What are your plans for life after College?
I intend to study Children's Nursing at the University of Manchester. Then I plan to travel during my time of study to places like Thailand, New Zealand and Australia to work in hospitals and then hopefully settle down into a job in A&E Trauma in the UK.