Meet Old Pangbournian Callum. Callum joined Pangbourne in Year 9 in 2017.
How did the College help you to develop as an individual?
The College helped me develop as an individual in terms of my own knowledge from some great teaching. It developed my independence through boarding and independent study as well, having to go away and focus on a particular task, or even just boarding in general really. It helped me develop independence away from home and independence in study. It also broadened my social experiences and experiences of wider life. I met more people through the College, people from a broader range of society than I perhaps would have met previously. It allowed me to meet more people and develop as a better person.
What are your Pangbourne highlights?
There were quite a few! My Pangbourne highlights really came down to rowing, exams, learning, and boarding. I spent many years rowing with the Boat Club and that gave me some fantastic opportunities to race at large events and regattas, and spend time with my mates. Every event really was a fantastic highlight. In addition to this, essentially every exam I sat at the College was a highlight as it allowed me to put my academic skills to the test and helped me develop my lifelong passion of learning.
Boarding was another highlight, just living with your mates is a fantastic experience and one I would recommend to anyone. There were great, many memories made in the boarding house, while doing exams, and while on the river.
What makes Pangbourne unique?
Pangbourne is unique through three main ways, really. The people, the small community, and its traditions. It's the people, the community, that really make Pangbourne and make it unique. Such a small community, and such a small school that really punches above the weight, is what makes Pangbourne unique. The people there are great. It's the reason most people come and most people stay. Added to this is, of course, the traditions - Parade, Congers, Musters, whatever it may be, all that naval tradition that is built into the College really underpins everything that is done at Pangbourne and it's what makes it unique. I've never seen a school that has anything like it, it's what makes Pangbourne stand out.
What are your plans for life after Pangbourne?
I plan to head off to university to study Geography at St Andrews. Then my plan is to stay at university for as long as I can. The College has really developed my lifelong passion for learning and studying and it's developed me into someone that wants to continue in academics, go into research, lecturing, or maybe even teaching.