About me
I have been teaching since 2008, originally having trained as a Geography Teacher. I taught for five years in a small independent school in South Wales and then moved to Pangbourne in 2013 when my husband started working as a Geography Teacher here at the College. I taught Geography and Humanities at Padworth College, along with setting up their Learning Support programme, before moving to the Learning Support department here in 2017. I am the Study Skills and Humanities Specialist in the Department.
Why do I love teaching?
I love working in Learning Support, supporting our students to reach their potential and finding strategies to overcome and manage their specific challenges. Being the Humanities Specialist also allows me to continue working with the subjects I am passionate about.
My other roles at Pangbourne are:
I live in Macquarie Division where my husband is the Housemaster. This means I can get involved with life in the Macquarie family and support the division.
If I hadn't been a teacher I would have been...
I have honestly wanted to be a teacher from a very young age. My degree was in Marine Geography so perhaps I would have used this in some way and worked with the Environment Agency or in Coastal Management.
I would describe Pangbourne as...
To me, Pangbourne College is the perfect place to work, live and raise our two young children. It is a community with special traditions and a beautiful place to live. Also, where else could my son and daughter have sixty big brothers living next door?