Old Pangbournian Megan Fergusson joined the College in Year 9 in 2017.
What life skills did you learn from being Head of House (Illawarra division) and a Sport Scholar?
These roles taught me to delegate, the importance of communication, and to ensure I stay determined at all times when I have a particular goal set in my mind. As Head of House (Chief) it allowed me to grow as an individual, which I've most certainly taken life lessons away from.
How did the College help you to develop as an individual?
It pushed me out of my comfort zone from being a quiet and shy girl when I first joined Pangbourne to being a girl that stood up for what she believed in. I became more confident and was able to talk in front of people.
What are your Pangbourne highlights?
Being awarded Chief of House was pretty cool! I completed my Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards as well and I played in the 1st team for hockey, netball and tennis. I was also awarded a GRAYS ambassador role during my time at Pangbourne where I visited other schools to give inspirational talks to children ranging from Year 6 all the way up to Upper Sixth.
What was your biggest challenge during your time at Pangbourne and how did you overcome it?
Two weeks before I joined Pangbourne in Year 9 I broke my ankle in three places quite badly, which meant I was in a wheelchair and I was out of action from playing any kind of sport for six months, which for me, as a very sporty person, was very tricky and most certainly challenging. But I came through strong and I had the support system around me at school to be able to help me get through the challenging time that it was.
What makes Pangbourne College unique?
Pangbourne’s togetherness and the community feeling of positivity and happiness, whether it's on parades, whether it's on the sports field, whether it's in the classroom, it most certainly sets us apart from other schools.
What are your plans for life after College?
I plan to take a gap year after completing my A Levels. I received a job as a gap year student in a prep school near me and I will likely travel with some friends for a bit. After that I will be going off to university to study Physical Education Sports Science and Coaching, and then into the big wide world to hopefully one day achieve my goal of becoming a Director of Sport.