About me
I have taught in four different schools (not including twice at Pangbourne) and been Head of Department, Housemaster and even Headmaster of a Prep school in Sussex. I have always taught PE but in the past also taught Geography up to A Level. In addition to my degrees in Sport Science and Geography, I have a Diploma in Sport Psychology, an area of real interest to me.
My interests outside College are road cycling and photography, as well as cooking and high quality coffee!
Why do I love teaching Physical Education?
I get real pleasure from teaching the academic aspects of PE, as it has increasing relevance with sport and healthy lifestyles; both subjects that we are all more aware of in society. I specialise in the teaching of Sport Psychology and Sport in Society, and really enjoy discussing both aspects and how they affect the sporting lives of Pangbourne pupils, and will continue to do so in the future.
My other roles at Pangbourne are:
Until this summer I was Head of Key Stage 3 and Director of Rowing. I still coach the College 1st VIII
If I hadn't been a teacher I would have been...
I have only ever wanted to be a teacher.
My role model is...
I was inspired by my teachers at school who coached me for rowing. From a sporting perspective, the sheer dedication and pursuit of perfection shown by Michael Jordan the basketball player, and Lance Armstrong WAS a huge inspiration, until his fall from grace!
I would describe Pangbourne as...
A unique school where pupils have the opportunity to excel in so many different areas if you are prepared to have a go. You will often only realise later in life that many of your future successes were shaped by your experiences here.